Tuesday, April 12, 2011

SOCIAL MEDIA (Lesson 12)


An interesting video that I came across while surfing YouTube. Though it may look amateurish, it covers important concepts for public relations students especially the role of social media.

From the video, it can be seen that social media helps businesses to a great extent, as communication shifts from a one way model to a two way model. In addition to that, and more importantly, is the ability to reach a wider audience with these social media tools. 

New media cause a shift in communication patterns; from tradition media which only allows 'one to many' communication channel to that of 'many to many' way of communication. This shift in paradigm opens a whole new dimension for PR practitioners as they are able to better facilitate relationship and community building. The impact of new media cannot be undermined; it has instantaneous and far-reaching consequences for organizations which empowers publics to generate and share information as well as challenge organisation information.

Social Media
Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Flickr and the like. The number of social and interactive platforms continue to increase as people discover that their power bring about lucrative benefits.

Examples of how PR practitioners utilize these platforms:

Adidas fan page on facebook has active fans, a branded application, lots of content variety, with the support of good videos, pictures and notes. The brand engages the public running contests on the fan page and this also directly increase company's revenue by attracting new consumers to the brand. The strategy Adidas used showed a deep understanding behind Facebook users demographics and hence their success in the many campaigns launched using this platform. 

Zappos (TWITTER)
Online shoes retailer Zappos has been the most successful company which uses Twitter till date. Zappos has a dedicated page for twitter on its site that's linked from every other page on their website with the words 'What are Zappos' employees doing right now?'
Additionally, there's also a page that aggregates all the public mentions of Zappos from Twitter users - portraying a great example of openness and transparency.

Blendtec (YOUTUBE)
This campaign was low cost and immediately went viral after it was uploaded on YouTube. It leverages on YouTube's large user base to increase sales.


  1. Hello Jo,

    Yeas, I have seen the Iphone blender video before, although the first time I saw it, I had no idea what the purpose of the video was supposed to be.

    However, one must be very careful when using videos and advertisements of this nature.

    For example, some might find the Iphone blender video insulting (read: Apple-lovers). "What kind of stupid company blends an Iphone? I'm not going to be associated with such foolishness" is something that might cross the minds of some viewers.

    In other words, viral marketing can be a double-edged sword if used carelessly.

  2. Hi Syaz,
    I would beg to differ your point that some people might find the approach used in some viral marketing tactics 'foolish'.

    Certainly, people are drawn to 'foolish' things. That's what makes most things viral anyway. When it is stupid, people 'buy' the idea, and hence 'POOF', VIRAL!

    I think viral marketing can afford to be foolish, but never boring.
